The Necessity of Root Canal: When Do You Need It?

A root canal is a procedure commonly associated with toothaches, severe decayed teeth, or dental injuries. It's a dental process where the dentist removes the pulp (the innermost part of the tooth) and the nerves from the root canal, then cleans and seals the canal to safeguard it from further damage. Root canal therapy is often a necessary treatment that saves teeth and eases patients' discomfort.

Below are five reasons why you might need a root canal procedure:

Deep Cavities

Tooth decay that goes untreated often grows deeper and spreads to the pulp of the tooth. The infection of the pulp can lead to severe toothaches when biting or chewing. A root canal procedure is the best way to eliminate the pain and preserve the tooth from further damage.

Fractured Teeth

Although enamel, a tooth's hard outer layer, is tough, it can fracture, break, or chip easily. If the crack extends far enough to reach the roots, a root canal may become necessary. If you are experiencing immense pain from a tooth fracture, it's best to contact a dentist. 

Repeated Dental Procedures

If you have had multiple dental procedures on the same tooth in the past, that tooth may become more fragile and susceptible to a root canal infection. But, in some cases, the procedure's damage caused the need for root canal therapy.

Injury to the Mouth

A sudden impact or significant injury to a tooth that damages the pulp but does not knock it out of place can also require a root canal. It may happen in sports, falls, or car accidents.

Gum Infection

When gum disease goes untreated, it progresses to the base of the tooth and leads to tooth loss. The infection spreads to the pulp and usually requires a root canal procedure.

A root canal procedure may not be a pleasant dental process, but it's often a necessary one to alleviate tooth pain and protect the teeth from further damage. Please take note that each person's case is unique, so only go for a root canal after a comprehensive dental examination and advice from your dentist. If you have any dental concerns, schedule an appointment with a local dentist and discuss your options. Don't forget: prevention is always superior to cure. Ensure a solid oral hygiene routine by brushing twice daily, flossing, and scheduling regular dental check-ups. By upholding excellent dental care and oral hygiene, you can steer clear of the need for a root canal treatment.

Contact a dentist today to learn more.
