Worried About Root Canal Pain? What You Need To Know

If you are in pain and your dentist suggests you need a root canal, you might feel a twinge of fear. Root canals are often thought to be uncomfortable or even painful. However, advances in dental technology make the process rather quick and virtually painless. The following are some things you need to know before you have your first root canal:

Is the Procedure Painful?

One of the first questions you might have is whether or not the root canal itself will hurt. It is commonly believed that a root canal is painful. Sadly, the pain you have is likely from the tooth that needs the root canal rather than the procedure itself. Once underway, you will be completely numb and likely not to feel anything during the procedure. If at any time you feel pain, let your dentist know and the anesthetic can be adjusted or increased. After a root canal, you may experience some initial soreness once the anesthesia wears off. However, the pain associated with a root canal pales in comparison to the pain you felt from the bad tooth. You can treat any initial discomfort with over-the-counter medication.

What Can You Expect During a Root Canal?

Root canals are easy and do not generally take a lot of time. Depending on the severity of damage your tooth has, you might need more than one appointment to complete the root canal. Your tooth may require some advanced treatment before the root canal can take place, particularly if the tooth is currently infected. The infection will need to be treated with a round of antibiotics to clear up the inflammation. Prior to the root canal, x-rays will be taken of the tooth to see just how deep the damage is.

Before the root canal, the area will be numbed with topical anesthetic, just like you would get for a filling. After the anesthetic has you numb, the dentist will drill into the tooth to create an opening to the decayed area. The bad material will be removed completely. The roots are then cleaned out well and then filled with a material similar to the material in a composite tooth filling. The dentist will then close the opened area. Afterward, a crown is typically placed on top of the tooth to keep it strong and healthy.

There is no need to be fearful of getting a root canal, especially if you are concerned about the pain. A root canal will not hurt and will actually make you feel much better once the procedure is over. Contact your dentist today if you are suffering from tooth pain.
