3 Common Tooth Brushing Mistakes

Taking care of your oral health can be tricky. This is one of the reasons that it's always a good idea to see your dentist regularly so you can get checked up by a professional. However, you can take steps right now to improve the quality of your tooth brushing at home. Check to see if you make any of these three common mistakes that people often make while trying to brush their teeth.

Too Much Acid

If you try to maintain good oral health, you probably know that the acid found in certain beverages like juice and wine can harm teeth over time. However, you might not know that it has a short-term effect on your teeth, too.

When you drink or eat something acidic, it temporarily softens the enamel surrounding your teeth. While the enamel is softened, it doesn't maintain its usual protective qualities and can be permanently damaged by simple actions. This includes brushing your teeth!

To avoid harming your teeth, make sure to rinse with water and wait for a while after sipping an acidic beverage. With the acids rinsed away, the enamel on your teeth will harden back up, and you'll be able to brush safely again.

Not Brushing in Circles

Dentists mean it when they say you should rotate your brush in a circle while you brush your teeth. However, many people still brush from side to side or up and down only.

Circle motions serve a few different purposes in improving the health of your teeth. They cover the entire tooth and the gums above them, which help to destroy all bacteria and plaque. Furthermore, the motion is better at getting between teeth, which will help to prevent gum disease. If you're not brushing in a circle yet, try to remember that you really should.

Not Replacing Your Brush

Lastly, toothbrushes should be replaced on a regular basis. Since you only spend a few minutes with your toothbrush per day, you might not notice it when the bristles become frayed or bent. However, those bristles become far less effective at keeping your mouth healthy. Think of it like threading a needle; if a thread is frayed, it won't go through the hole, and if toothbrushes are frayed, the bristles won't fit between your teeth as easily.

Adding these three tips to your daily oral hygiene practices can boost the health of your teeth and gums. Remember to visit your dentist and follow their directions, since whatever they suggest you do is for your unique, personal oral health. Contact a company like Family & Cosmetic Dentistry for more information and assistance. 
